Science 4ºPrimaria
Estudiaremos cómo se clasifican los seres vivos en los 5 reinos principales. Repasaremos los animales vertebrados e invertebrados, las plantas y aprenderemos el grupo de las algas, hongos y bacterias.A continuación os dejo el vocabulario y las estructuras que deben aprender junto con  una serie de vídeos y juegos que serán de gran utilidad para repasar los contenidos estudiados.

Inglés                            Español
Algae                        alga
Fungi                        hongo
Bacteria                    bacteria
Feed on                     alimentar
Can move            puede moverse
Share                         compartir
Own food            propio alimento
Naked eye           simple vista
Differences               diferencias
Similarities               semejanzas
Observe                     observar
Yeast                          levadura
Moulds                       mohos
The smallest        la más pequeña
The simplest        la más simple
Illnesses               enfermedades
Decaying food       alimento en    descomposición
PLANTS: make their own food.
They can not move about.
Most of them can be seen with the naked eye.
ALGAE: make their own food.
They live in water.
Some can be seen with the naked eye and others are very small and you need a microscope to observe them.
They make their own food and can not move about, but they have not roots, stems or leaves.
FUNGI: They feed on other living things. They can not move about. Some can be seen with the naked eye but others only with microscope.
– Mushrooms: most of them have an umbrella shape but they have also different shapes.
-Yeast: they are very small and you have to use a microscope. They are used to make bread, wine or beer.
-Moulds: they grow on some types of decaying food such as fruit, bread or cheese.
BACTERIA: They can be found everywhere. They are the smallest and simplest living things. You need a microscope.
Some bacteria make their own food , others feed on other living things. Some bacteria live inside other living things and help the organisms to function well, for example yoghurt, vinegar and medicines. Other bacteria can cause illnesses.